GHYSLAINE DESGAGNES married Pierre PILOTTE, son of Dieudonné (Pitou) PILOTTE and Marie Mai CHENIER.1
- [S11] Le Droit Obituary, According to his mother's obit.
Ernest LEMIEUX married Cécile PILOTTE, daughter of Dieudonné (Pitou) PILOTTE and Marie Mai CHENIER.1
- [S11] Le Droit Obituary, According to her mother's obit.
Etienne ST-LOUIS
Etienne ST-LOUIS married Hélene PILOTTE, daughter of Dieudonné (Pitou) PILOTTE and Marie Mai CHENIER.1
- [S11] Le Droit Obituary, According to her mother's obit.
Laurent BOISVERT married Pierrette LANDRY.
Family | Pierrette LANDRY |
Child |
Pierrette LANDRY
Pierrette LANDRY married Laurent BOISVERT.
Family | Laurent BOISVERT |
Child |
Julie STAYON married Dean Claude SCANTLAND, son of Israel J. Richard Claude SCANTLAND and Linda Marina CHENIER, on 1 November 2003.1
Family | Dean Claude SCANTLAND b. 25 June 1969 |
Children |
- [S170] E-Mail from Dean Claude Scantland, 7 Aug 2006.
Katelyn Kirstin SCANTLAND
Father* | Dean Claude SCANTLAND b. 25 June 1969 |
Mother* | Julie STAYON |
Relationships | 5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 5 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 4th cousin 3 times removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 4th cousin 1 time removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Katelyn Kirstin SCANTLAND, was born on 22 August 2004.1
- [S170] E-Mail from Dean Claude Scantland, 7 Aug 2006.
Father* | Dean Claude SCANTLAND b. 25 June 1969 |
Mother* | Julie STAYON |
Relationships | 5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 5 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 4th cousin 3 times removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 4th cousin 1 time removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Megan Rose SCANTLAND, was born on 22 August 2004.1
- [S170] E-Mail from Dean Claude Scantland, 7 Aug 2006.
David George HILMEY
Father* | Russell HILMEY |
Mother* | Ruth Charlotte WINTER |
David George HILMEY, was born on 11 May 1979 in Buffalo, NY, USA.1 He married Tamara Louise CHENEZ, daughter of Raymond Joseph CHENEZ and Gail Louise BENZINGER, on 26 May 2001 in Lockport, NY, USA.2
Family | Tamara Louise CHENEZ b. 7 March 1979 |
Children |
Xavier Russell HILMEY
Father* | David George HILMEY b. 11 May 1979 |
Mother* | Tamara Louise CHENEZ b. 7 March 1979 |
Relationships | 4th cousin 3 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 5th cousin 3 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 1st cousin 6 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 4 times removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 6th cousin 2 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
- [S214] E-Mail from Raymond Joseph Chenez, 7 Aug 2006.
Kathrine Grace STIVERS
Kathrine Grace STIVERS married Raymond Anthony CHENEZ, son of Raymond Joseph CHENEZ and Gail Louise BENZINGER, on 2 July 2006 in Buffalo, NY, USA.1 She and Raymond Anthony CHENEZ were divorced in December 2010.2
Clara Lucille Marie CHENIER
Father* | François (Frank/Francis) Edouard Joseph CHENIER b. 17 April 1892, d. 31 July 1945 |
Mother* | Corinne DEMERS b. 1897 |
Relationships | 4th cousin 1 time removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 4th cousin 1 time removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 4th cousin of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Clara Lucille Marie CHENIER married Robert BAREY.1 She, was born on 24 April 1920 in Ottawa, ON, Canada
,2 and was baptized on 24 April 1920 in St-Jean-Baptiste, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Godparents: Alphonse Moussette & Clara Demers.2

Jason MONKHOUSE married Brenda Lynn SARAFIN, daughter of Henry Andrew SARAFIN and Linda Marina CHENIER, on 27 December 2003 in Angers, Gatineau, QC, Canada.1
Family | Brenda Lynn SARAFIN b. 19 March 1980 |
Children |
- [S356] E-Mail from Linda Marina Chenier, 14 Aug 2006.
Father* | Jason MONKHOUSE |
Mother* | Brenda Lynn SARAFIN b. 19 March 1980 |
Relationships | 5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 5 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 4th cousin 3 times removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 4th cousin 1 time removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
- [S356] E-Mail from Linda Marina Chenier, 14 Aug 2006.
Father* | George T. CAMPBELL1 b. 14 May 1923, d. 22 April 1994 |
Mother* | Mary Alice CHENEY b. 6 March 1928 |
Relationships | 4th cousin 1 time removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 5th cousin 1 time removed of Pierre CHENIER 1st cousin 4 times removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 6th cousin of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Agnès Laurence CHENIER
Father* | Zotique CHENIER b. 30 August 1849, d. 18 May 1927 |
Mother* | Marguerite FOUBERT b. 30 January 1855, d. 5 April 1937 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Agnès Laurence CHENIER, was born on 4 March 1892 in Hull, QC, Canada
,1,2 and was baptized on 6 March 1892 in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Hull, QC, Canada. Godparents: Aimé Laferrière & Agnès Dumouchel.2
She married Isidore LANTHIER, son of Julien LANTHIER, on 31 August 1910 in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Cyrville, ON, Canada.1 She died on 28 October 1918 of pneumonia in Cyrville, ON, Canada, at the age of 263 and was buried on 30 October 1918 in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Cemetery in Cyrville, ON.3

- [S861] BMD Cyrville, ON.
- [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.
- [S1292] SGO, online, BMS2000-Fiche de sépultures.
Father* | Julien LANTHIER |
Isidore LANTHIER married Agnès Laurence CHENIER, daughter of Zotique CHENIER and Marguerite FOUBERT, on 31 August 1910 in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Cyrville, ON, Canada.1
- [S861] BMD Cyrville, ON.
Alfred Joseph Napoléon CHENIER
Father* | Zotique CHENIER b. 30 August 1849, d. 18 May 1927 |
Mother* | Marguerite FOUBERT b. 30 January 1855, d. 5 April 1937 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Alfred Joseph Napoléon CHENIER, was born on 23 November 1894 in Hull, QC, Canada
,1 and was baptized on 23 November 1894 in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Hull, QC, Canada. Godparents: Alfred Chénier & Joséphine Chénier.1
He died on 18 May 1903 in Cyrville, ON, Canada, at the age of 82 and was buried on 20 May 1903 in Cyrville, ON.2

Father* | Louis Moïse PROULX DIT CLEMENT b. 20 September 1832, d. 4 July 1890 |
Mother* | Philomène CHENE b. 5 May 1836, d. 15 July 1916 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandmother of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Délima CLEMENT, was born on 8 April 1873 in Buckingham, QC, Canada
,1 and was baptized on 13 April 1873 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada. Godparents: Louis Brisebois & Philomène Clément.1 She married George MCGREGOR, son of Richard Robert MCGREGOR and Célanie CHENE, on 11 March 1894 in Ste-Anne, Mattawa, ON, Canada. NOTE: George McGregor & Délima Clément were previously married under a civil marriage license on 11 May 1893 in Sudbury, Ontario (Please see image.)2,3,4
She and Richard (Regis) MCGREGOR began living together circa 1906, after his brother George died in 1904.5 She married Michel TASSE, son of Godfroy TASSE and Julie AUGER, on 10 May 1919 in Ste-Famille, Blind River, ON, Canada.6 She died on 12 July 1950 in Blind River, ON, Canada
, at the age of 777 and was buried on 15 July 1950 in Ste-Famille parish cemetery in Blind River, ON
FAMILY PHOTO: (Please click on camera icon to view photo, then click on individual photo to access their particulars.)

FAMILY PHOTO: (Please click on camera icon to view photo, then click on individual photo to access their particulars.)

Family 1 | George MCGREGOR b. 29 September 1864, d. 5 April 1904 |
Children |
Family 2 | Richard (Regis) MCGREGOR b. 28 September 1862, d. 9 October 1918 |
Children |
- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze BMS (1864-1876) Image 268/398, Bap 38, P. 21.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Nipissing Mattawa Ste Anne BMS (1891-1898) Image 91 & 92/231, Mar 4, P. 151.
- [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1801-1928, 1933-1934
Nipissing, Sudbury (1893) Image 18/65, Civil Marriage License Record No. 001267 (No. 15), P. 135. - [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S655] E-Mail from Richard Gravelle, 13 Jan 2007.
- [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1802-1967
Blind River, Sainte Famille (1911-1967) Image 21/131, Mar 2, p. 38. - [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1802-1967
Blind River, Sainte Famille (1911-1959) Image 29.43, 1950 Death Record No. 11, P. 35.
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandaunt of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Margaret MCGREGOR, was born on 8 August 1855 in Buckingham, QC, Canada
,1,2,3 and was baptized on 26 August 1855 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada. Godparents: Edouard Durand & Margaret McGregor.1,2,3

- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze Index, BMS 1839-1864, Image 422/621, Bap 151, P. 20. Link:
- [S1120] Website -, online, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968
B Buckingham St-Gregoire-de-Naziance 1855-1863, Image 20/212, Bap 151, P. 20. Link: - [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandaunt of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Pauline MCGREGOR, was born on 26 February 1857 in Buckingham, QC, Canada
,1,2 and was baptized on 26 June 1857 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada. Godparents: David Phobert & Léocadie McGregor.3,2

- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze Index, BMS (1839-1864) Image 447/621, Bap 79, P. 44. Link:
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze Index, BMS (1839-1864) Image 447/621, Bap 79, P. 44.
Elisabeth (Isabelle) MCGREGOR
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandaunt of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Elisabeth (Isabelle) MCGREGOR, was born in March 1859 in Buckingham, QC, Canada
,1,2 and was baptized on 30 June 1859 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada. Godparents: Joseph Phobert & Emily Robin.3,2 She married Mathieu (Amable) LAJEUNESSE, son of Stanislas LAJEUNESSE and Julie MORIN, on 28 February 1881 in Buckingham, QC.4,2

- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze Index, BMS (1839-1864) Image 485/621, Bap 86, P. 77.
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Buckingham Saint-Grégoire-de-Nazianze Index, BMS (1839-1864) Image 485/621, Bap 86, P. 77. Link:
- [S1120] Website -, online, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Buckingham St-Gregoire-de-Naziance 1879-1886, Image 48/255, Mar ..., P. 78. Link:
Mathieu (Amable) LAJEUNESSE
Father* | Stanislas LAJEUNESSE |
Mother* | Julie MORIN |
Mathieu (Amable) LAJEUNESSE, was born in 1855.1 He married Elisabeth (Isabelle) MCGREGOR, daughter of Richard Robert MCGREGOR and Célanie CHENE, on 28 February 1881 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada.2,1
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1120] Website -, online, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Buckingham St-Gregoire-de-Naziance 1879-1886, Image 48/255, Mar ..., P. 78. Link:
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-granduncle of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
William MCGREGOR, was born on 5 February 1861 in Buckingham, QC, Canada
,1 and was baptized on 15 March 1861 in St-Grégoire-de-Naziance, Buckingham, QC, Canada. Godparents: Henri Berthiaume & Delina Chappeau.1 He died on 29 March 1862 in Maniwaki, QC, Canada, at the age of 11,2 and was buried on 31 March 1862 in Maniwaki, QC.2

- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Maniwaki, Sép No. 7.
Richard (Regis) MCGREGOR
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandfather of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |

Richard (Regis) McGregor in Temiscaming, Ontario in the late 1800's
(Great Grandfather of Tim Majovsky)
(Great Grandfather of Tim Majovsky)

Family 1 | Virginie VILLENEUVE b. before 1862, d. 1891 |
Children |
Family 2 | Délima CLEMENT b. 8 April 1873, d. 12 July 1950 |
Children |
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S655] E-Mail from Richard Gravelle, 15 Jan 2007.
- [S655] E-Mail from Richard Gravelle, 13 Jan 2007.
- [S1120] Website -, online,…
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-granduncle of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
George MCGREGOR, was born on 29 September 1864 in Rivière-au-Désert, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 27 November 1864 in Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Maniwaki, QC, Canada. Godparents: Cyril Perier & Aureline McGregor.1 He married Délima CLEMENT, daughter of Louis Moïse PROULX DIT CLEMENT and Philomène CHENE, on 11 March 1894 in Ste-Anne, Mattawa, ON, Canada. NOTE: George McGregor & Délima Clément were previously married under a civil marriage license on 11 May 1893 in Sudbury, Ontario (Please see image.)2,3,1
He died on 5 April 1904 in Sudbury, ON, Canada
, at the age of 394,5,1 and was buried on 7 April 1904 in Ste-Anne's parish cemetery in Sudbury, ON

Family | Délima CLEMENT b. 8 April 1873, d. 12 July 1950 |
Children |
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Nipissing Mattawa Ste Anne BMS (1891-1898) Image 91 & 92/231, Mar 4, P. 151.
- [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1801-1928, 1933-1934
Nipissing, Sudbury (1893) Image 18/65, Civil Marriage License Record No. 001267 (No. 15), P. 135. - [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1802-1967
Sudbury, Ste Anne (1884-1915) Image 31/86, P. 31. - [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938, 1943-1944, and Deaths Overseas, 1939-1947 District of Nipissing, Division of Sudbury (1904) Image 91/127, Record/Line No. 27, P. 653.
Herméningile (Menegile) (Minnie) MCGREGOR
Father* | Richard Robert MCGREGOR b. 10 December 1828 |
Mother* | Célanie CHENE b. 14 October 1829, d. 26 June 1908 |
Relationships | 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER 2nd cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER 3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER Great-grandaunt of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY |
Herméningile (Menegile) (Minnie) MCGREGOR, was born on 9 December 1869 in Pembroke, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 19 December 1869 in St-Columbkille (Cathedral), Pembroke, ON, Canada. Godparents: Alexandre Giroux & Marguerite McGregor.1 Her baptismal name as written in the parish register was Ménagildie Odile MCGREGOR.3 She married Louis GERVAIS, son of Alexis GERVAIS and Onésime BROUSSEAU, on 27 November 1899 in Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, Masson-Angers, QC, Canada.2,4
She died on 21 October 1929 in Timmins, ON, Canada
, at the age of 59.5,6
FAMILY PHOTO: (Please click on camera icon to view photo, then click on individual photo to access their particulars.)

FAMILY PHOTO: (Please click on camera icon to view photo, then click on individual photo to access their particulars.)

- [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967 Pembroke Mission (St-Colombkille) (1867-1878) Image 38/188, Bap 75, P. 71.
- [S127] E-Mail from Valérie Foubert, 19 Aug 2006.
- [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967 Pembroke Mission (St-Colombkille) (1867-1878) Image 348/188, Bap 75, P. 71.
- [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.
- [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario Deaths 1869-1947.
- [S1120] Website -, online,….